Dec 14, 2024 Nancy Pelosi
By Cindy Sheehan UFOs/Drone Swarms on the East Coast: I don’t even know—-all I think every time something like this happens, is “What is the (US) government up to, and why?” What are your thoughts?
Here are some thoughts from Dr. Steven Greer:
BOOOOO!!!!! Go home, Nanny, you’re drunk!
Recently my nemesis, Nanny “The Town Drunk” Pelosi reportedly fell down some stairs in Luxembourg while she was on a junket paid for by you. When is the last time you were in Luxembourg? Anyway, the gerontocracy AKA the US Congress is a huge problem. It doesn’t matter if the aging criminal is a Republican (ie.; Mitch McConnell) or a Democrat; like The Cadaver in Chief; the Rolling Corpse (Dianne Feinstein, died in office) or The Town Drunk, these people are out of touch with reality and are greedily hanging on to their power to grease the wheels of their grift.

I am not a huge fan of term limits, but, I would be interested in upper-age limits as there are lower-age limits. Why did the Founders put a minimum age for office holders? Probably because they valued the wisdom hopefully attained by life experiences. Conversely, why did they not impose upper age limits? A lot of people falsely quote low life-expectancy rates in the 18th-19th centuries, but that was because of high infant mortality rates. If you were a wealthy plantation owner, or cosmopolitan, educated person, and lived past five-years old, your life-expectancy was rather high:
George Washington lived to be 67 (my current age)
Thomas Jefferson lived to be 83
John Adams lived to be 91
Benjamin Franklin lived to be 85, etc.
Maybe these people were more spry and mentally fit than the current crop of this gerontocracy, but, these days the Federal institutional rot and sewage that has accumulated throughout the centuries is seeping into the pores of the so-called leaders.
The Cadaver in Chief was forced out of the 2024 POTUS race by a bloodless, palace coup which ironically spearheaded by The Town Drunk—-who has already filed to further inflict herself on the country when she is 86. Never mind inflicting herself on SF, because a lot of those maniacs love her there! Ugh….
McConnell recently had a bad fall, but he also decided not to run for office when his term is up, if he makes it.
What do you think about upper-age limits? I know many people who are in that age-o-sphere who are still very vital, but, I believe that there should be a mandatory retirement age for politicians, in my opinion.
Cindy Lee Sheehan is an American anti-war activist, whose son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed by enemy action during the Iraq War. She attracted national and international media attention in August 2005 for her extended antiwar protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush’s Texas ranch—a stand that drew both passionate support and criticism. Sheehan ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2008. She was a vocal critic of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Her memoir, Peace Mom: A Mother’s Journey Through Heartache to Activism, was published in 2006. In an interview with The Daily Beast in 2017, Sheehan continued to hold her critical views towards George W. Bush, while also criticizing the militarism of Donald Trump.
Ms.Sheehan was the 2012 vice-presidential nominee of the Peace and Freedom Party, and received 1.2% of the statewide vote in the 2014 California gubernatorial election.
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