Hillary Clinton in commentary, online news & editorials

Hillary Isn’t Perfect

And She Thinks That’s Why I Didn’t Vote for Her in 2016 commentary editorials

By Cindy Sheehan

“They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect,” Clinton said in an interview with The New Times, published Saturday. “They were willing to take a risk on [former President Trump] — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.” Original link

My relationship with the SheDevilry Clinton began in 2005 when I was invited to a meeting at actor/director/democrat shill Rob Reiner’s home. At this meeting was Stephen Bing who was a billionaire/democrat shill. Since then, Bing took a nose dive from his 27th story penthouse in Century City in 2020. According to the unimpeachable source Wikipedia, Steve was depressed due to lack of human contact in 2020. To be fair, that would have depressed me as well, if I followed the harsh and ineffective Koronavirus mandates.

Anyway, this meeting was during the wild Camp Casey days after I had to return to California for about a week when my mother had a stroke. I was very popular with the democrat left because they saw my energy and the energy of the Camp Casey movement as a way to get back to the White House. Both Rob and Steve told me that I had to support “Mrs. Clinton” because she was our “best hope.” I was brash and principled enough to point out that she, as Senator, was one of the biggest cheerleaders for the war that murdered my son.

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Steve then gave me the my biggest reason to never support her or to even think of voting for her. “Mrs. Clinton will come out against the war when it is political advantageous for her to do so!!!” A few years later, when she was The Dalai Lama’s SOS, she literally cackled after Moammar Qaddafi was brutally murdered, “We came, we saw, he died.” Latin translation for this demented b!tch: “Venimus, dicimus, mortuus est.” I cannot overstate how much SheDevilry disgusts me.

What a Ho

Back to my long story, trying to make it, short. I met with SheDevilry in WashedUp, DeCeit with another Gold Star Mother and my sister the following month (Sept 2005). She sat there like the She Devil she was, and, still is, while we poured our hearts out to her. She didn’t say much to us, but, she told a reporter from the Village Voice in NYC right after we left, “I heard them, but, I have also spoken to Gold Star Mothers who want the mission to continue to ‘honor the sacrifices’ of their children, and I agree with them.” (Something very close to this). So, I came out hard against her and that’s when Bing and Reiner abruptly canceled any support for Camp Casey, me, or, my then organization, Gold Star Families for Peace.

SheDevilry has blamed everything from Russian interference, to inherent misogyny, to the “basket of deplorables,” for her humiliating defeat to a reality show host. Now it’s the fault of we fellow women who didn’t think she was “perfect.” I actually don’t know any women who expect other women to be perfect, because, no one is. Not just women.

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I despise the women of the hegemon like Clinton, the Evil Empire Rice twins: Susan and Condileeza, Powers, Albright, Pelosi, Cheney, etc. They give all of us women a very bad name.

As a reminder, Clinton lost key swing states to Trump because she refused to campaign in the rustbelt states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, taking their support for granted. If SheDevilry is anything, she’s a seasoned political hack who is fully aware that the popular vote is meaningless and POTUS campaigns are won in the Electoral College. It’s a fucked up system, but, it’s the one she ran in.

I actually voted for a woman in 2016, my friend Gloria LaRiva who is a tireless campaigner for peace and social justice. It’s like I have been accused of being a racist for not voting for The Dalai Bama, but, in 2008, I voted for a black woman, Cynthia McKinney. In fact, since 2008, I have only cast my meaningless vote in the sham, bougie, elections, for women. Once, (2012), I even got to vote for myself as VP. So, what I am trying to say, is SheDevilry should really take the blame, the humiliating defeat and move on.

If you look at the politically “successful” women in the USA, they have fully taken on the mantle of the historically white male, war-like, oppressive behavior. Same with the men of color who fail upwards to the Oval Office (see, The Dalai Bama). Women like Cynthia McKinney, Gloria LaRiva, or even myself, could never ascend to the upper-echelons of this demented power, because, we haven’t sold our souls to Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, or to the currently relevant illegitimate state of Israel. In fact, Cynthia was in the upper-echelons until AIPAC targeted her in 2006.

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Mark my words, the first female president may have a vagina, but, more than likely will be a man doing female cosplay—in either case, that person will be fully onboard with Empire, Israel, Wall Street, and economic oppression.

Why can’t SheDevilry just go away?

Hillary Clinton in commentary & editorials
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a press conference on February 24, 2012 following the “Friends of Syria” conference at which representatives from over 60 countries will discuss the crisis in Syria, with a focus on aid and a political resolution of the violent conflict which has killed over 7000 people since the beginning of pro-democracy demonstrations a year ago. Western and Arab nations are to challenge Syria to allow in desperately needed humanitarian aid at a meeting today aimed at tackling President Bashar al-Assad’s increasingly bloody crackdown. AFP PHOTO / POOL / Jason Reed (Photo credit should read JASON REED/AFP/Getty Images)

Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Cindy Lee Sheehan is an American anti-war activist, whose son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed by enemy action during the Iraq War. She attracted national and international media attention in August 2005 for her extended antiwar protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush’s Texas ranch—a stand that drew both passionate support and criticism. Sheehan ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2008. She was a vocal critic of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Her memoir, Peace Mom: A Mother’s Journey Through Heartache to Activism, was published in 2006. In an interview with The Daily Beast in 2017, Sheehan continued to hold her critical views towards George W. Bush, while also criticizing the militarism of Donald Trump.

Ms.Sheehan was the 2012 vice-presidential nominee of the Peace and Freedom Party, and received 1.2% of the statewide vote in the 2014 California gubernatorial election.

The author graciously has granted this website permission to reprint selected essays.

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The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of APS Radio News or of its affiliate, APS Radio.

SheDevilry Part Two
She is Over-Qualified to Helm the Evil Empire

There were several comments on my earlier post (below) where a few of my very astute readers opined that Hillary Clinton is “perfect” to helm the Evil Empire—-I agreed in a May 2016 op-ed titled: Hillary Clinton IS the Most Qualified to Head the Evil Empire by Cindy Sheehan

Hillary Isn’t Perfect
By Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Hillary Clinton IS the Most Qualified to Head the Evil Empire by Cindy Sheehan

By Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox – May 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton IS the Most Qualified to Head the Evil Empire

Cindy Sheehan

I’ve run for political office a few times myself, and even though I have always met constitutional qualifications, I always have been told that I was not “qualified.”

What seem to be the political qualifications to be the figurehead for this demented and bestial US Empire? That one is 35 and born in the US? That’s what the US constitution says, but what do others look for?

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Perhaps, the voting public looks for, against all evidence and history, a person that is honest and truly cares about this nation and its people. A person that is wise and sober in his/her life and decision-making ability? One that would gladly give his/her life for peace and liberty?

As evidenced by this never-ending and insufferable election cycle, it seems like the voting electorate is now looking for a “political outsider;” which makes more sense with the Trumpites, than the Sandernistas: The first has never held political office and the second has been a politician for decades. However, in what really matters to the global capitalist/imperialist class, the person running for office that meets their qualifications almost perfectly to a “t” is former First Lady, US Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

What are the real qualifications to the fill the position of POTUS?

It seems one must be an unrepentant criminal who is willing to murder civilians willy-nilly for profit and resource control. Mrs. Clinton is a grandmother who I presume loves her grandchild, but has demonstrated an eager willingness to murder the children of others.

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For example, as US Senator, Clinton was one of the most ardent cheerleaders for the Bush mob’s murderous attack on Iraq and as First Lady, she watched as her husband also murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi by bombs and sanctions. As Secretary of State she was one of the Obama mob’s architects of the abominable destruction of Libya.

In 2005, after I went to Crawford TX and camped there for one month at our peace encampment, Camp Casey, I had an extensive meeting with this right-wing cutthroat. “Ice Queen” doesn’t even begin to cover Clinton’s callousness and calculation. Like the war powers know, I also am convinced that she could easily transition into a Commander in Chief who would push that button.

Contrary to popular belief, US elections are never about the “lesser of two evils,” they always are about pure evil and which puppet of evil will ultimately infest the Oval Office.

Don’t fall for the “lesser-evil” trap. Evil can never be voted away, it must be exorcised with courage and good.

So, even without talking about her subservience to Monsanto and Wall Street, unfortunately for humanity, HRC is eminently qualified for the position of POTUS.

I don’t want that kind of qualified. It makes my stomach turn.

The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of APS Radio News or of its affiliate, APS Radio.

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